The old church was pulled down in 1837.
The new church was consecrated in 1840.
In the 1841 Census there appear to have been 341 people resident in Elmley Lovett.
1841 Census - Samuel Boucher (60) and family (including son Daniel)
1841 Daniel Boucher (30) born and baptised at St Michael's.
William and Hariet Boucher were born there in about 1843 and 1845 but the next child, Ann was born in Rushock.
1837 Funeral of a Daniel Boucher.
1815 Samuel Boucher (60) was born and baptised at St Michael's.
Samuel's parents, Daniel and Mary Boucher alias Butcher also had a son John baptised there in 1819 and William in 1823.
1787 a daniel Boucher was baptised, parents William and Susannah Boucher.
Susanna Boucher, aunt of Samuel Boucher (60) was born in Elmley Lovett in about 1782 or 1875 (from 1851 and 1861 censuses)
Domesday Book:
Aelmeleia : Walter from Ralph de Tosny, formerly Queen Edith, 3 mills, 4 salthouses.