Set:2001PofMBaPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) Year: 2001
Set size: 22 By: Beghin Say Category: J-46-MB2a
Format: Format B type 2 : 2 lumps with box (64mm x 47mm)
Image Type Name Cat Description Set
lump01LorenzonJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 01 Lorenzon2001PofMBa
lump02JPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 02 Jean-Augusto-Dominique Ingres 2001PofMBa
lump03JPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 03 Corneille de Lyon2001PofMBa
lump04JPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 04 Andrea Appiani l'Aine2001PofMBa
lump05JPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 05 D'apres Raffaello2001PofMBa
lump06JPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 06 Valentin Alexandrovitch Serov2001PofMBa
lump07JPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 07 Marie Caire-Fonoir 2001PofMBa
lump08JPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 08 Franz-Xavier Winterhalter 2001PofMBa
lump09JPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 09 Leonard de Vinci 2001PofMBa
lump10JPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 10 Franz Xavier Winterhalter 2001PofMBa
lump11GrosJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 11 Gros2001PofMBa
lump12AmanJeanJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 12 AmanJean2001PofMBa
lump13BenoistJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 13 Benoist2001PofMBa
lump14LaparraJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 14 Laparra2001PofMBa
lump15VigeeLeBrunJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 15 VigeeLeBrun2001PofMBa
lump16RenoirJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 16 Renoir2001PofMBa
lump17ChartranJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 17 Chartran2001PofMBa
lump18CassattJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 18 Cassatt2001PofMBa
lump19BouchotJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 19 Bouchot2001PofMBa
lump20CourtJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 20 Court2001PofMBa
lump21FantinJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 21 Fantin2001PofMBa
lump22ManetJPortraits de femmes (Format B with box) - 22 Manet2001PofMBa

22 packets matched the criteria - displaying 1 to 22

8914 packets on the database

Code last updated: 3 April 2023