Set:1990LPLes Ponts (1990) (Format A) Year: 1990
Set size: 10 By: Beghin Say Category: H-054-1
Format: 3 lumps (large) (75x50mm)
Image Type Name Cat Description Set
lumpAdolpheLuxembourgHLes Ponts (1990) (Format A) - 5 Pont Adolphe Luxembourg1990LP
lumpAlexandreParisHLes Ponts (1990) (Format A) - 3 Pont Alexandre III PARIS1990LP
lumpBaySanFranciscoHLes Ponts (1990) (Format A) - 8 Bay Bridge SAN FRANCISCO1990LP
lumpGardFranceHLes Ponts (1990) (Format A) - 1 Pont du Gard France1990LP
lumpGoldenSanFranciscoHLes Ponts (1990) (Format A) - 9 Golden Gate SAN FRANCISCO1990LP
lumpKuanTuChineHLes Ponts (1990) (Format A) - 6 Kuan Tu Bridge CHINE1990LP
lumpLotusTaiwanHLes Ponts (1990) (Format A) - 7 Pont du Lotus TAIWAN1990LP
lumpNeufParisHLes Ponts (1990) (Format A) - 2 Pont-Neuf France1990LP
lumpRialtoVeniseHLes Ponts (1990) (Format A) - 10 Pont Rialto VENISE1990LP
lumpTowerLondresHLes Ponts (1990) (Format A) - 4 Tower Bridge LONDRES1990LP

10 packets matched the criteria - displaying 1 to 10

8914 packets on the database

Code last updated: 3 April 2023