Image Type Name Cat Description Set
lump01MRugby Tournoi des 6 nations 2001 (balls) (without box) - 01 England2001TdnMB2s
lump05MRugby Tournoi des 6 nations 2001 (balls) (without box) - 05 Italy2001TdnMB2s
lump06MRugby Tournoi des 6 nations 2001 (balls) (without box) - 06 Wales2001TdnMB2s
lump07MRugby Tournoi des 6 nations 2001 (balls) (without box) - 07 Nations 20012001TdnMB2s
lump08MRugby Tournoi des 6 nations 2001 (balls) (without box) - 08 Nations 20012001TdnMB2s
lump05ItalieMRugby Tournoi des 6 nations 2001 (balls) (with box) - 05 Italy2001TdnMB2a
lump02EcosseMRugby Tournoi des 6 nations 2001 (balls) (without box) - 02 Scotland2001TdnMB2s
lump03FranceMRugby Tournoi des 6 nations 2001 (balls) (without box) - 03France2001TdnMB2s
lump04IrlandeMRugby Tournoi des 6 nations 2001 (balls) (without box) - 04 Ireland2001TdnMB2s
lump09MRugby Tournoi des 6 nations 2001 (balls) (without box) - 09 Nations 20012001TdnMB2s
lump01AlpinMSki - Disciplines olympiques (long logo) - 01 Alpin2002Ska
lump04FondMSki - Disciplines olympiques (long logo) - 04 Fond2002Ska
lump05FreestyleMSki - Disciplines olympiques (long logo) - 05 Freestyle2002Ska
lump06SautMSki - Disciplines olympiques (long logo) - 06 Saut2002Ska
lumpAlpinMSki - Disciplines olympiques (round logo) - Alpin2004SkaR
lumpCombineNordiqueMSki - Disciplines olympiques (round logo) - Combine Nordique2004SkaR
lumpSautMSki - Disciplines olympiques (round logo) - Saut2004SkaR
stickColasGMEquipe de France de ski 2003-4 - ColasG2003SkiB
stickBasketMCollection Sport - Basket2004Sp
stickCyclismeMCollection Sport - Cyclisme2004Sp
stickEquitationMCollection Sport - Equitation2004Sp
stickEscrimeMCollection Sport - Escrime2004Sp
stickFootballMCollection Sport - Football2004Sp
stickGymnastiqueMCollection Sport - Gymnastique2004Sp
stickJudoMCollection Sport - Judo2004Sp
stickMarathonMCollection Sport - Marathon2004Sp
stickNatationMCollection Sport - Natation2004Sp
stickPatinageMCollection Sport - Patinage2004Sp
stickRelaisMCollection Sport - Relais2004Sp
stickTennisMCollection Sport - Tennis2004Sp
stickVoileMCollection Sport - Voile2004Sp
stickVolleyballMCollection Sport - Volleyball2004Sp
lump01EntraineurMJeux antiques (with box) - 01 Entraineur2004JA1
lump02LaCourseMJeux antiques (with box) - 02 LaCourse2004JA1
lump03TirMJeux antiques (with box) - 03 Le Tir a l'Arc2004JA1
lump04PoidsMJeux antiques (with box) - 04 Le Lancer du Poids2004JA1
lump05SceneAuPalestreMJeux antiques (with box) - 05 Scene Au Palestre2004JA1
lump06JavelotMJeux antiques (with box) - 06 Le Lancer du Javelot2004JA1
lump07LalutteMJeux antiques (with box) - 07 Lalutte2004JA1
lump08LutteMJeux antiques (with box) - 08 Lutte2004JA1
lump09LutteMJeux antiques (with box) - 09 Lutte2004JA1
lump10PugilatMJeux antiques (with box) - 10 Pugilat 2004JA1
lump11EntraineurMJeux antiques (with box) - 11 Entraineur2004JA1
lump12CourseMJeux antiques (with box) - 12 Course2004JA1
lump13LancerDisqueMJeux antiques (with box) - 13 Lancer Disque2004JA1
lump14PugilatMJeux antiques (with box) - 14 Pugilat2004JA1
lump15CharsMJeux antiques (with box) - 15 Course de Chars2004JA1
lump16ChevalMJeux antiques (with box) - 16 Course a Cheval2004JA1
lump17CourseMJeux antiques (with box) - 17 Course2004JA1
lump18CourseMJeux antiques (with box) - 18Course2004JA1

8914 packets matched the criteria - displaying 7070 to 7119

8914 packets on the database

Code last updated: 3 April 2023