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First Layout

This first layout was begun in 1987. It was intended to a trial run and take about 3 years.  In the end it took seven and was never really completed before the decision was made to try something bigger.

The layout was not based on any location. It incorporated a high level branch terminus with a loop and return loop underneath. One engine could therefore run round and round whilst another shunted the station.

As the layout was fairly short, even though it was N-Gauge, there wasn't incline to make the upper level high enough above the lower. As a resule the top board had to have a fairly think frame and it was not rigid enough.

When we lived in Durham we had a large bathroom off the main bedroom which is where they layout lived.

I had plans to try to extend the layout but space didn't permit.

Photo taken in 1994 when the layout was pretty much complete.