Ann (Curtis) STAPLEY |
not known or not entered | not known or not entered |
Events | Place | Residence | Notes | Source |
Married:2 Feb 1784 | Rotherfield, Sussex | Only likely marriage, ties in with son's birthplace |
Spouse: Michael CURTIS |
Children | Born | Died |
Selina CURTIS | c1784 | |
John CURTIS | 1787 | 1871 |
Cordelia CURTIS | 1789 |
Show all pictures for this individual. Places St Deny's Church, Rotherfield St Deny's Church, Rotherfield St Deny's Church, Rotherfield St Deny's Church, Rotherfield |
Note Hidden |
Main individuals |
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David Keith PHILLIPSLeonard Fred PHILLIPS
Dorothy (Phillips) COX
Una Ann (Cox) CADBY
Mary Barbara (Cadby ) CURTIS
Ann (Curtis) STAPLEY