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48th Division Field Amublances September and October 1916 (WO95-2752)
source:Public Record Office
1.1st South Midland Field Ambulance

In box April 1915-October 1917
Transcribed researching Jack Phillips, but unlikely he was treated here.

September 1916
RIBEAUCOURT	28.9.16	General Routine Work - Fatigues
RIBEAUCOURT	29.9.16	Received orders to move to CANDA.  Hospital ?? down all patients evacuated.
		2 ?  proceded by March Route to CANDAS
CANDA	30.9.16	Received orders to move to HUMBERCOURT (sic) proceeded by March Route at 8am arrived at destination at 6pm

October 1915
HUMBERCAMPS	1.10.16	Received orders to proceed to St. AMAND and take over hospital at that place .  Unit arrived at destination at 1pm.  Lt Cob  C H ?? who was evacuated on 1st July 1916 returned to unit and assumed command from 1.10.16
St. AMAND	2.10.16	General Routine Work - Fatigues in connection with hosptal
		A party of 1 Officer and 50 other ranks from "C" Section proceeded to take over the Advanced Dressing Staition at FONQUEVILLERS from a Field Ambulance of the 49th Division.
		Inspection of ?? ??> by D C Sections
St. AMAND	3.10.16	General Routine Work - Fatigues.  Inspection of Identity Discs
St. AMAND	4.10.16	Routine Work - Fatigues in connection hospital.  Extra accomodation having made by erecting new shelters.
St. AMAND	5.10.16	Routine Work - Fatigues
St. AMAND	6.10.16	Routine Work - Fatigues.  Inspection of ?? Helmets by ?? Sections
1/2nd South Midland Field Ambulance

September 1916
Fieuvillers	29/9/16	Sick 4	Hospit 1		Surplus 2
		Cap Cole to Base for munitions
Fieuvillers	30/9/16	Sick 1	Hosp 1		Surplus 1
		Ambulance by route march to VAUCHELLES

October 1916
VAUCHELLES	1/10/16	Sick 0	Hosp 1		Surplus 1
		Left Vauchelles by route march to D 26 Central
D 26 CENTRAL	2/10/16	Sick 3	Hosp 4		Surplus 1
		Sgt Ruthaftno (?)	Pte Good   WC  Benn  to hospit
		12 OR returned from detached duty at Warly 
		Captain ? and 26 OR went to AD Hebuterne and Sailly
D 26 C	3/10/16	Sick 0 	Hosp 5		Surplus 1
		Capts Dndasm and Capt Lain returned from No 11 and 29 CCS
		27 ORs returned from detached duty at 29 CCS
		Pte Hands on Leave
		Sgt Kirhoff to Hospit
D 26 C	4/10/16	Sick 3	Hosp 7		Surplus 1
		Pt Hiscrch   Jerry  Boucher L  (??)	 to Hospit
		Dr Howell  to hospit
D 26 C	5/10/16	Sick 1	Hosp 8		Surplus 1
		Dr Colley to hospit
		Dr Jackson ??  returned from duty with Lt Batler.
		Pte Toller and Roberts to batn duty  
D 26 C	6/10/16	Sick 2	Hospit 8		Surplus	1

Transcribed researching Jack Phillips, but unlikely he was treated here.

September 1916
MONPLAISIR	Sep 29	Received instruction to evacuate all cases not likely to be well in 3 days in view of a possible move.  Weather very hot.
MON PLAISIR	Sep 30	Received order late last night to follow the 144 Inf Bde billet for the night at INVERGNY.
		Paraded at 9.15am and marched in accordance with instructions - a half at 3/4 hour at 12.45 at MITTY to walk and feed horse - reached out billets at 4pm
		C Section opened up for sick of 144 Bde on our arrival.  Weather fine.

October 1916
INVERGNY	Oct 1	The Clock was put back to old time at midnight.  At 9am received orders that Brigade was on the move again and passing starting point at 11.30am.  OUr destination was GRENAS where we billeted in the CHATEAU greatly to everybodys comformt.  ADMS called and said we were moving to MONDICOURT to take over DRS there tomorrow.  So went over in afternoon to make necessary arrangements.  Weather fine.
GRENAS	Oct 2	C Section paraded at 8.30am under Capt KERR and marched to MONDICOURT to take over from an AMB of the 46th iv - weather very wet and cold
GRENAS 	Oct 3	Remainder of unit paraded at 11am and marched to MONDICOURT to complete taking over which was done by noon.  There is a small officers hospital of 11 beds in a building but the mens ward are in huts which need a lot of repair.  Catp SOUTTER returned from detached duty.  Weather wet
MONDICOURT	Oct 4	ADMS called.  Have commenced draining the camp which was very necessary.  Weather very wet.
	Oct 5	Having obtained a little material from RS began a new shower bath and standings for water curb drainage of Camp continued.  Weather still wet.
	Oct 6	Routein duties.  Weather cold but fine.  The DRS is developing into 7th Corps ?? Station.